"The article is AWESOME, such an honour! My 14-year-old-pop-nerd would be proud"
David Färdmar 2024
"I love reading intelligent takes on pop music or any music, so thank you"
Dave Stewart 2023

I am particularly interested in the evolution of new pop and the role of MTV in framing the way audiences thought about rock n roll during this period. Journalism is another key influence on the culture, and I have published academic work on Smash Hits, Q magazine and The Face.
My work also looks at the role of the compact disc, classic albums, and greatest hits compilations in positioning rock history as a heritage project. Geography is pertinent with the relationship between British and American codes of rock authenticity emerging as a key theme in my work.
Likewise, I am fascinated by Italo disco and the alternative versions of 1980s pop culture that emerged in Europe. I am always interested in collaborating on new projects and am happy to support new research in this field.
Email: shill@burgate.hants.sch.uk
Selected Publications -
Hill, S. (2024), ‘Synth Pop and the Aesthetics of Nuclear Armageddon’ in Just Can’t Get Enough, Ed. by Geoff Stahl (forthcoming).
Hill, S. (2024), 'We've Lost Dancing: The Euphoric Sounds of Post-Pandemic Pop', Journal of European Popular Culture Volume 14 Number 2, Intellect Books: Bristol (forthcoming).
Hill, S. (2024), ‘Music, Migration and The Secret History of Italo’ in Music , Subcultures and Migration Ed. M Worley Routledge: London.
Hill, S. (2023), ‘Reconfiguring Authenticity: and the Aesthetics of New Pop’, The Soundtrack Volume 14 Number 1, Intellect Books: Bristol
Hill, S. (2022), ‘Ikeafication: The Bridge and The Rise of Nordic Noir’, Journal of European Popular Culture Volume 13 Number 1, Intellect Books: Bristol
Hill, S. (2022), 'The Greatest Hits of 1992’, Record Collector (London: Metropolis)
Hill, S. (2021), Media and Cultural Theory BookBoon: Copenhagen
Hill, S. (2021), 'How the CD Made Rock History’, Far Out Magazine, London: Far Out
Hill, S. (2021), 'Cold War Pop', Far Out Magazine, London: Far Out
Hill, S.(2020), 'The Secret History of Italo', Far Out Magazine, London: Far Out
Hill, S. (2020), 'Iggy Pop's Pop Songs', Far Out Magazine, London: Far Out
Hill, S.(2010), ‘Smash Hits: Lost in the Seventies’, British Society and Culture in 1970s Britain, Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Hill, S. (2009), ‘Abigail’s Party and the New Middle Class’, Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2009), ‘TV Drama and British Social History’, Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2008), 'Smash Hits 1978 to 1980’, Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2008), 'Magazines and Gender'. Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2008) ‘Film and Censorship', Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2007) ‘The History of the Music Video’, Media Magazine, London: EMC
Hill, S. (2006) ‘Q and The Face: Narratives of Consumption in the UK Music Press’, Popular Music History Vol 1 No 2, Sheffield: Equinox Publishing
Plastic Letters is a research project focused on 1980s pop culture including the music press, music videos, fandom and the aesthetics of musical performance.
Dr S Hill, Head of Media, The Burgate School and Sixth Form, Hampshire, SP61EZ